Ingredients A-Z


Feb 08, 2023


What Is Bakuchiol?

Bakuchiol is a retinoid alternative that is derived from all-natural plant ingredients. It’s a fantastic skincare ingredient because its source is easily identifiable and 100% vegan and cruelty-free. This makes it a very desirable alternative to the man-made chemical retinoids and retinol out there today.


Where Does Bakuchiol Come From?

This skincare ingredient is extracted from the seeds of the babchi plant (Psoralea corylifolia). 


What Does Bakuchiol Do For Your Skin?

Just like retinol and retinoids, bakuchiol signals collagen production in the skin and appears to help with diminishing lines and wrinkles. This retinol alternative is much more gentle on the skin, making it a great choice for people with sensitive skin, acne, and those that struggle with hyperpigmentation. A new preliminary study showed that bakuchiol may even have promise as an acne treatment.

Is Bakuchiol Better Than Retinol?

While “better” is a subjective term, bakuchiol has shown amazing promise in rivaling even retinoid products. It is able to provide visible results, similar to that of retinol, but without the negative side effects. So, if you have sensitive skin and have experienced negative side effects from retinol products, bakuchiol might just be the perfect substitute!


If you would like to try incorporating Bakuchiol to your routine, here is a list of epi-rx products that contain the natural ingredient. 

1. EPI-RX Nia+ Skin Refining Serum

This Niacinamide serum contain Sytenol A, which is a high purity Bakuchiol backed by clinical studies. Sytenol A works in synergy with Niacinamide to refine skin's texture.